Moses and the Mob

Teaching Notes

The Mob and Moses Num. 11:1-35

Context: Travel toward promised land has begun, not much to eat in the desert, God has provided manna daily, about 2 million people tota on the journey

I. The MOB

  1. Complained __________________ God. Ps. 106:11-15

  2. Did not _________________ even after all they had ____________. Jn. 6:35-38&41-43

  3. Was more focused on their _____________ rather than on God’s ________________ of their _____________.

  4. Experienced both the _______________ and _____________________ of God. Phil 3:19


  1. Cried out ________ God.

  2. Could not ____________ the ____________________ of the ______________.

  3. Was more focused on the __________________ rather than the ____________________.

  4. Experienced both the ___________________ and _______________ of God.

Applying Numbers to my Life

  • We forget the ___________ and can’t see the _________________ when we are complaining about the ____________________.

Table Talk

  1. What impacted you most from today’s lesson?

  2. What will you remember most from this series in Leviticus and Numbers?

  3. Pray for each other.

Personal Reflection

Take a quick mental inventory of how much you complain daily/weekly? Does this need to change? Turning a habit into a new practice takes discipline and intention. Choose today to focus on thankfulness and eliminate any unnecessary and unhealthy grumbling or complaining.

Continued Study

Consider joining the summer study - AMOS!! Or, read through the book of Mark. It’s 16 chapters long and we have 13 weeks before we meet again. Read 1-2 chapters a week.


The Truth and Fear


Freedom From the Power of Sin