Care and Support Ministries
Have Questions? Call our Church Office: (480) 491-2210
At ACC, Care and Support for our church community is an integral part of our DNA.
Whether you’re in need of assistance, or you’re looking for a way to serve, read below for more information about our Care and Support Ministries.
Caregivers’ Support Team
The Caregivers’ Support team is dedicated to helping those who find themselves in the position of giving long term care to family members and friends. Our goal is to help them find ways to maximize the blessing and minimize the stress. We are continuing to develop and implement means of encouraging and informing caregivers through helpful presentations, a file of care resources, phone calls, cards, prayers and follow up visits.
Olive Falstad, R.N.
(480) 747-2039
Grief Share
Sundays: 2:00–4:00pm - Room G3
Grief Share is a caring group of people whose goal is to walk alongside you through life’s most difficult experiences so that you do not feel you are alone. Our program is a 13 week course, but you can join at any time!
Karen Thelander
Debbie Burns
Task Force 1
Task Force 1 is a group of volunteers from ACC that seek to assist others from the church family with basic household tasks that they are unable to perform for themselves. We perform light home repairs, yard cleanup, etc… on the First & Third Saturdays of the Month.
If you are looking to request service, or if you are looking to lend a helping hand to Task Force 1, fill out this form below and someone will contact you within 24-48 hours.
Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group
Last Wednesday of each Month
1:00–2:30pm - Room G1
The Dementia Caregivers Support Group has a goal of ministering to the growing number of adults who care for friends and family affected by the many forms of Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. By keeping the Caregivers healthy, informed, and encouraged there is a better outlook for the patient and the caregiver and less likelihood that they will both literally disappear from the “Body of Believers” with whom they used to worship and serve regularly. In addition to the training and information our Facilitators have received from the Alzheimer’s Association they also hold an abiding faith and trust in Christ as Lord and Savior and therefore offer members continuing intercessory prayer and encouragement based on the Word of God.
Olive Falstad, R.N.
Faith Community Nurses
Barb Clark and Joey Spears saw a need to freely serve the ACC Community. They hold current Arizona licenses and have completed the required course in Faith Community Nursing. Together they offer many years of hospital and outpatient nursing experience.
Areas of Expertise:
Health advocate for acute and ongoing medical concerns
Navigation through the health care process
Spiritual support
Health education
Hospital and post hospital monitoring
Review of hospital discharge instructions
Barb Clark, R.N.
(480) 221-7156
Jane A. Joynt
Retired School Nurse
Please call us with any questions. We’re here for you!
Single Women’s Connection
Second Sunday Monthly at 11:00am
Meet at La Madeleine (3615 W Chandler Blvd)
Game Nights
Fridays from 5:30-8pm - Room G7
We are a group of Christian women who are single by choice or by circumstances. Most of us are 50 years old and up. We have a good time of fellowship the second Sunday of each month year round. We are a place to make friends and find common interests or activities.
Divorce Care
Tuesdays: 6:30–8:15pm - Room E5
You don’t have to go through divorce alone. We would like for you to join us and begin to learn how to recover from the pain of separation and divorce, how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life from people who understand how you feel. Join our seminar and support group on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:15PM in E5.
If you have any questions, contact the church office at (480) 491-2210.
Stephen Ministries
The goal of Stephen Ministry is to provide ongoing care to the hospitalized, the elderly, the lonely, the shut in and housebound, and those in a spiritual crisis. We are available for confidential prayer, support & in person visits.
Bob & Sandi Benzer
(480) 961-8637
ACC Food Bank
Room D3
Thank you so much for your continued support in providing groceries to meet the needs of those who are hungry in our church & community! Our church family is strongest when together, so none of this could happen without your help. If you are interested in ways to help contribute to the church food bank, we keep the weekly bulletin up to date with items that are needed most.
Nancy Pruitt
Medical Lending Equipment
For those dealing with injuries or illnesses and are in need of medical assisting equipment, our ministry is ready to assist by providing wheelchairs, crutches, walkers and more for you to borrow. For more information about available lenders, please contact Linda Jacobs.
Linda Jacobs
(480) 628-5390
Pastoral Care
We provide hospital and care center visits for prayer and encouragement.
Ken Bowers