Who We Are
Arizona Community Church exists to share the Word of God and the salvation that is found only through Jesus. We exist to take one another’s burdens and to share one another’s joys. We exist for you.

A safe haven from the craziness of today’s cultural storms.
A place of grace where regardless of your past, you are welcome.
A loving family of Christians learning, growing and serving together.
Get you connected with Christ and the Christian community.
Help you experience growth in your Christian faith.
Encourage you to use your God-given gifts to serve others.
The Bible is God’s true and complete Word.
God created you, knows you, loves you, gave his son for you.
Salvation cannot be earned, rather it is a gift given through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Our History
Arizona Community Church was founded in 1997 by Pastor Guy Davidson. Our first service was held on Easter Sunday in 1998. Together over the years, we have mourned the loss of loved ones, celebrated births, shared the joys of new marriage, and the sting of divorce, endured hardships and reveled in blessings. However, through it all, we rejoice in God’s grace and mercy. He has given us this place, this family, so we always have a loving space to belong—we invite you to take your place in our family.