High School Ministry

Meets In Room F5

Sunday Mornings: 10:00am | Wednesday Evenings: 6:30–8:30pm

HSM Summer Camp 2025

High school marks the beginning of the end of an era. It is a time when students are preparing to strike out on their own as adults. We believe this is a critical time to train and equip students to grow in deeper fellowship with Christ and help take the good news of the gospel anywhere they go. That is our mission.

Sunday mornings normally start with worship followed by Bible study where we typically walk through a passage of the Bible verse by verse. Wednesday night is a time for community consisting of activities and games followed by worship and a message. After the message, students break into small groups, separated by age and gender, for some discussion time about what the Bible says about the issues facing teens today.

Corona Parking Permits

Safety & Security

The security and well-being of our students is our utmost priority.

We provide a safe, nurturing environment to allow students to learn biblical truth and grow in their faith. All staff, leaders and volunteers are vetted though references and background checks. Students are supervised at all times while at an HSM event on campus or off. Additionally, we enforce strict rules of conduct regarding leaders’ interaction with students and students’ interaction with each other.