IN-JOY Senior Ministry
Meets @10am in Community Center
Tuesday Gatherings 2025
21 The Craguns, Family Quartet
28 Higher Call, Quartet
4 Scott MacIntyre, Tenor
11 Anthony & Valerie Rolando, Accordion & Soprano
18 Canada’s Double Portion, Vocals, Hemmerling Family Band
25 The Rostvit Twins, Janice & Faye, Vocals & Instruments
4 Liberty Quartet
18 The Foresters, Family Quartet
25 The Swinging Resorters
1 Michael J, Comedian, Bass
IN-JOY Seniors Ministry was founded in 1998 with a mission to provide opportunities for Seniors to use their gifts, talents and experiences to further the Kingdom of God through fellowship, caring and spiritual renewal.
Looking to get connected?
Send an email to Gayle Molenaar or Martha Pierce for more information about upcoming In-Joy events!