Hope in the Gospel

Teaching Notes

HOPE in the GOSPEL Colossians 1:19-23

  1. What impacted you most from today’s lesson?

  2. What is the hope of the gospel? How does hope in the gospel impact you today? How does the hope of the gospel impact that way you see others?

  3. Is there a part of your story the Gospel has transformed? You once were___ but now Jesus has______. Share an area of transformation with your table. (For example: judgment, fear, identity, craving, priorities)

  4. Briefly share the name of a person you hope discovers the hope of the gospel. As a table spend time praying for those people.


  • Write out Colossians 1:19-23. Take time to think about the words and meaning as you write.

  • Have you moved from the hope of the gospel? Reflect on if you’ve moved for yourself, for others, for the future or for the past. Jot down the area where you’ve forgotten about the Gospel and its impact. Now, talk with God in prayer; tell him the Truth about the area you have moved. Remember He is listening to you like a good loving father listens to His daughter that he loves! Now, ask God to remind you of the power, goodness and active work of the Gospel in that area of your life.


  • Read Ephesians 2:1-10. Discover the impact of the Gospel. What do you notice about the motive of God to save? What do you notice about the heart of God in these verses? How does this passage increase your hope in the Gospel?

  • Read Colossians 3:1-17. Make two lists. One with the truths/actions that are true In Christ. The second list of what we are to put off/Don’t. See the example below:

In Christ Truth/Actions to Do

  • Raised with Christ (v.1)

  • Set heart on things above (v. 1)

  • My life is hidden in Christ (v. 2)

Put Off/Don’t

  • Don’t focus mind on earthly things (v.2)


When You Surrender To God


When You Choose Between God and Evil