Hope in Eternity

Teaching Notes

HOPE in ETERNITY Rev. 21:1-27


  • Where do Christians go when they die?

    • Intermediate State (“layover”) Luke 16:22-31, 23:43 Ps. 49:15 2 Cor. 5:8 Phil. 1:23 Final Destination Rev. 21:1-27

  • Where is HEAVEN?

    • First heaven: Atmospheric heaven (blue sky) Gen. 6:7 Matt. 6:26

    • Second heaven: Celestial heaven (night sky) Deut. 4:19 Matt. 24:29

    • Third heaven: Heaven as the home of God Heb. 8:1 Acts 7:55 Heb. 9:24

  1. Hope for a __________________________________. Rev. 21:11-21

  2. Hope for a _______________________________________. Rev. 21:4-5, 22-25 Rom. 8:19-25

  3. Hope for a __________________________________________ with God. Rev. 21:3&7, 22:4

Eternity is an _________________________ for people in the _________________ of God.

Table Talk

  1. What are you looking forward to the most in the new heaven and new earth?

  2. How does knowing about eternity help you live with hope today?

  3. If you could be doing ONE thing when Jesus returns, what would you want to be doing?

  4. Pray for each other.

Personal Reflection

What gets in the way of you experiencing intimacy with God now? What are some things you can do to eliminate any distractions to increase your intimacy with God? Remember – intimacy doesn’t have to be measured only in “more time”. Think quality time as well.

Continued Study

Read 1 Peter 1: 3-6 as an added encouragement for today’s lesson and 1 Jn. 3:1-3 in preparation for next week’s lesson.

Song Suggestion

“Hymn of Heaven” by Phil Wickham


When You Choose Godly Courage


When You Surrender To God